Golden Flower Internal Arts Publishing
Internal Arts and related ideas
Making Books
by Sifu Bob
Creating an Amazon book I have tried many alternatives to making books with as little effort as possible in formatting and as much in writing. I have tried a number of the products but I have found this as my to go by products. I use either Word on Windows – I know ugh! But I use it to compose a html file. It does not crash and your pictures are in a separate directory making updates simple. I use Libre in the same manner in both Windows or Linux. I have 8 Raspberry systems set up and have used the 8 Gig for my desktop with much joy. Libre works without any effort but again I use HTML for my files. Every now and then I will export a PDF to check since that is the best manner getting to Amazon. I researched fonts and the general idea is that easy to read fonts increase readership and thus sales. Also, a quality font for chapter and headings makes then interesting. I have settled on two recommendations from me and others – you can see in this document the font and the heading – Bookman Old Style and Lucinda. These are easy on the eyes. Use Justified to have a better setup per page. E books are a world of their own but it is easier to keep focused on the printed edition and set everything up there – I use a 6 by 9 page and format as I go. At the end I have a good quality file for printing and then just use CTRL A and paste the results into a preformatted 8 by 11 file. You will need to check for formatting but it is easier since most will be altered when used. Import your file into the Kindle Previewer – free – to see what you get and make any changes. I will add to this as I go along. There are so many things I learned and they make life easier. A word about graphics. I could not go without using my go to image adjustment tool - Free but contribute since it does so many things. Get to know the use of batch jobs to make your life easier. I tried to use Gimp and have it installed but I find that for the low price that it costs Paint Shop Pro makes life easy for manipulating photos. I just upgraded after using the older version and all the tools are great. I also find that I go back to Power point many times to add arrows and comments to pictures them cut them out paste into Irfan and save as a png then check the DPI. You will need 300 DPI for Amazon.
All of my books are published on Amazon and available in soft cover and e book. Visit my author page to be taken to the Amazon page listing of all published volumes.
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